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Salt n' Pepper 'Spice Bag' Seasoning

$16.00 AUD

Alright, listen up you spice-loving maniacs. If you think your measly spice rack is gonna cut it, you have another thing coming. Forget about those basic salt and pepper combos - we're talking next-level flavour here, the kind that'll wake up your taste buds and make you sit up straight.

Introducing Plateit Foods' Salt and Pepper Spice Bag Seasoning - the secret weapon in your quest for seasoning supremacy. This ain't your grandma's spice blend, oh no. We're talking about a complex, multilayered assault on your senses, with every shake of this bag.

Start with the classic foundation - a hefty dose of pure, unadulterated salt and pepper. The kind that'll make your eyes water and your tongue tingle. But we don't stop there, oh no. We've added in a lorry load of spices that'll transport you straight to the bustling night outs and eating drunken food on your way home.

There are the warm, earthy notes of five-spice powder, mingling with the pungent, almost menthol-like bite of white pepper. A sprinkle of MSG for that umami punch that'll have you licking your lips. And just to really rev up the heat, we've thrown in a healthy dose of garlic powder - the kind that'll leave your breath a force to be reckoned with. Plus a few extra secret ingredient that brings something different to the table...

Don't believe me? Just try it. Sprinkle this blend over your fries, your stir-fries, and your roasted meats. Heck, dump it straight into your mouth if you dare. One taste and you'll be wondering how you ever settled for that ho-hum salt and pepper combo.

This is flavour with a capital F, my friends. The kind that'll transport you to the bustling night markets of Bangkok, the smoky street food stalls of Saigon, or a night out down your local!. It's a flavour explosion that'll have you coming back for more, no matter how much your tongue may be on fire.

So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a bag of Plateit's Salt and Pepper Spice Blend and unleash the power of true seasoning mastery. Just make sure you've got a cold beer nearby, 'cause this is the kind of heat that goes down real easy. Bon appétit, you spice-loving maniacs.

Bring something different to the table…

Size: 117g


Chinese Five Spice Powder, Garlic Powder White Pepper, Salt, Sugar, MSG,